Joint Project Between MAKÜ and Wageningen University of the Netherlands

Yayın Tarihi | 29 August 2024, Thursday

A meeting was held to evaluate the projects to be carried out on the genetics of small ruminants raised in the Teke region between Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University and the Netherlands Wageningen University.


MAKÜ Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Hakan Öner, representing Wageningen University Prof. Dr. Martien Groenen, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Prof. Dr. M. Çağrı Karakurum, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Özgecan Korkmaz Ağaoğlu, International Relations Coordinator Assoc. Dr. Ömer Gürkan Dilek and academic staff of the International Relations Coordination attended the meeting.


Within the scope of the meeting, a presentation was made by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine faculty member Prof. Dr. Özgecan Korkmaz Ağaoğlu about the projects planned to be carried out. In this context, general information about the projects related to the genetic structure of small ruminants raised in the Teke region, research objectives, the scope of cooperation between the two universities, and the expected outcomes of the projects were shared. In the meeting where mutual information exchange was made; Prof. Dr. Martien Groenen made evaluations regarding the projects and contributed positively from an international perspective.


Prof. Dr. Hakan Öner, who made evaluations about the meeting, stated that they will continue their work without slowing down within the scope of international collaborations and that these projects planned to be carried out will be an important start, and that it is planned to carry out projects on different subjects with the Netherlands Wageningen University, which stands out in the field of animal husbandry in the international arena.