Music Technology Department 2024-2025 Academic Year Special Talent Exam Results and Final Registration Dates
Yayın Tarihi | 05 September 2024, Thursday
Our Conservatory Music Technology Department 2024-2025 Academic Year special talent exam results have been announced by sending SMS passwords to the mobile phone numbers you provided during the application process within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698.
You can learn your exam results from the address Candidates who do not receive information via SMS can get information from the phone numbers 0 248 213 37 64 / 0 248 213 37 62 / 0 248 213 37 55.
The final registration procedures for our Music Technology Department for the 2024-2025 Academic Year will be carried out between September 9 – 10, 2024. Our registrations can be done in person or by mail. Students who prefer the mail route must fill out the "Final Registration Petition" below and send the necessary documents for registration attached to the petition by registered mail or cargo to our Conservatory student affairs to be received between September 9 – 10, 2024. Our Conservatory is not responsible for delays in applications made by mail-cargo.
Documents Required for Final Registration:
1. A photocopy of the identity card with a photo containing the T.C. Identity number.
2. TYT Exam Result Document (Internet printout)
3. The original or notarized copy of the diploma received from the secondary education institution from which the candidate graduated, or a certified copy of the new dated graduation certificate. (Those whose diplomas have not yet been prepared or who have remained for a single course exam will bring an official written document from their schools showing their status.)
4. 2 photos in 4.5 x 6 cm size. (The photos must have been taken from the front, in a way that can easily identify the candidate, within the last six months.)
5. 1 biometric photo recorded on a CD with a recent date.
6. For registrations to be made by mail, a "Detailed Population Registration Sample" document obtained from E-Government or Population Directorates.