BAYKAR Technology Leader and TEKNOFEST Board Chairman, T3 Foundation Board of Trustees Chairman Selçuk Bayraktar was a guest at our university to receive the Honorary Doctorate Degree Certificate awarded to him by our university senate, to give a talk on the National Technology Initiative, and to meet with young people.
Selçuk Bayraktar was welcomed at MAKÜ Conference Hall by Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Dalgar, Burdur Governor Tülay Baydar Bilgihan, university administration, senate members, academic-administrative staff, and students.
Rector Dalgar: “It is also necessary to emphasize the importance of strong leadership that removes the major obstacles in front of our National Technology Initiative. The visionary support and determined stance of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan have restarted the interrupted story of our National Technology Initiative; overcoming bureaucratic obstacles and intimidation policies.”
In the program, an opening speech was made by Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Dalgar. In his speech, Rector Dalgar stated; “Civilizations that have shaped the history of humanity have risen thanks to pioneers who passed on science from generation to generation. In the Islamic world, figures like Ibn Sina, Al-Khwarizmi, Al-Jazari, and Ulugh Beg laid the foundations of scientific accumulation and inspired modern science and technology.
Selçuk Bayraktar has combined this deep-rooted scientific and technological heritage with the most advanced technologies of today, placing Turkey in a leading position in the world with national UAVs and SIHAs and inspiring young people. With organizations like TEKNOFEST, young people are progressing on the path to becoming the scientists and engineers of the future with the motto of independence and productivity.
Selçuk Bayraktar, is a continuation of a great tradition extending from Al-Khwarizmi to Al-Jazari, from Nuri Demirağ to Vecihi Hürkuş, from Nuri Killigil to Şakir Zümre, from Necmettin Erbakan to Özdemir Bayraktar.
At this point, it is also necessary to emphasize the importance of strong leadership that removes the major obstacles in front of our National Technology Initiative. The visionary support and determined stance of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, have restarted the interrupted story of our National Technology Initiative; overcoming bureaucratic obstacles and intimidation policies. Thus, a climate has been created where young generations can say, “we can do it too.” The honorary doctorate degree we will present to Selçuk Bayraktar today is a sign of respect for an engineer, a guide who embraces the great scientific heritage of the past and carries it into the future.
This degree is also a call to our young people: Do not fear! We are once again embracing the courage in the verses of Mehmet Akif Ersoy in the fields of science, technology, and production today. As Akif beautifully expressed, our password is clear: Rely on God, strive, submit to wisdom, If there is a way, this is it, I do not know any other way!” he said.
Burdur Governor Tülay Baydar Bilgihan also made a speech, stating; “We witness that everyone who believes, continues with determination, and struggles despite difficulties achieves success. Today, while listening to a life story, we also see the strong coordination and great accumulation behind it.
We are proud of the tangible successes of the local and national technology initiative launched under the leadership of our Presidency. The presence of important institutions in our defense industry and new products added to the inventory every day strengthens the power and future of our country. We have full confidence in our young people; Turkey is entering the Century of Turkey strongly with advancements in science, technology, art, and industry. I wish you all success on this blessed journey.” she expressed.
BAYKAR and TEKNOFEST Board Chairman, T3 Foundation Board of Trustees Chairman Selçuk Bayraktar gave a presentation about his work before the Honorary Doctorate Ceremony. Bayraktar stated; “Today, I will talk to you about the activities we carry out within the scope of the National Technology Initiative at Baykar, the activities we carry out within the scope of the Turkey Technology Team (T3) Foundation, and also the activities we carry out at our Culture and Civilization Foundation.” and proceeded with his presentations.
The journey of the National Technology Initiative and Baykar
Baykar Technology Leader Selçuk Bayraktar, in his talk on the National Technology Initiative, explained the founding story of Baykar Technology and the development process of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Bayraktar stated that the adventure, which started with the first miniature UAV produced for the Turkish Armed Forces in the early 2000s, continues today with Bayraktar TB2 being the most exported UAV in the world.
Bayraktar noted that the KIZILELMA UAV conducted a flight just one month before 2023, stating that this significant development is a gift for the 100th anniversary of the Republic. Touching on Turkey’s space goals, Bayraktar emphasized that the first UAV flight conducted from short-runway ships is a turning point in world history.
Recalling that Baykar started as a modest engineering initiative 20 years ago, Bayraktar stated that today they have become a significant UAV manufacturer on a global scale. Bayraktar mentioned that Baykar dominates 60% of the world UAV market and highlighted the importance of increasing the domesticity rate in Turkey’s defense industry to over 80%. He also stated that more than 90% of Baykar’s revenues come from exports.
Inspiring young people with his speech, Bayraktar, “These successes in Turkey’s defense industry are an unparalleled source of motivation for our youth. You can contribute to both our country and humanity by developing technologies that will leave a mark on the world. You can turn your dreams into reality with the teams you will establish to reach these goals,” he said.
After the question-and-answer session, at the end of the talk, the reason for the Honorary Doctorate was read by our University Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Dalgar, and the title of Honorary Doctor in Electrical-Electronics Engineering was awarded to Selçuk Bayraktar, followed by the presentation of a calligraphy art painting with the Felâk-Nas surahs written on it.
Additionally, at the 5th International Mehmet Akif Ersoy Science and Art Awards ceremony organized by our university on November 12, 2024, the ‘Professional Achievement Award Certificate’ given to Bayraktar, which he could not receive due to an excuse, was presented by Burdur Governor Tülay Baydar Bilgihan.
Selçuk Bayraktar also presented a model of AKINCI to our University Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Dalgar and Burdur Governor Tülay Baydar Bilgihan.
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