A digital innovation exclusive to MAKÜ students: MAKÜ⁺ mobile application
Yayın Tarihi | 10 February 2025, Monday
The innovative software developed by the Information Technology Department offers students the opportunity to access all information and events related to the university through a single application.
MAKÜ⁺ the technical and regulatory infrastructure of the mobile application was completed by expert academicians in the field. The project, led by Rector Advisor Prof. Dr. Ali Murat Alparslan and Lecturer Can Yastıoğlu, was introduced to senate members and the public.
Our students can download and use the MAKÜ plus application from mobile app stores.
What innovations does MAKÜ Plus bring to students' lives?
- Not just an information platform, but also an integrated ecosystem that supports our students' academic, career, and social development.
- AI-supported career planning
- Personalized event recommendations
- Micro-qualification programs
- Student portfolio
Our mobile application, which includes many innovative features, is designed to help our students discover themselves, develop their strengths, and move forward with solid steps into the future.
Reflecting our university's motto‘More than a university’ literally, this application offers our students not only an educational opportunity but also a life and career guiding experience.
MAKÜ Rector Dalgar: “This application is part of our digital transformation agenda”
Speaking at the introduction meeting, Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Dalgar stated that the MAKÜ⁺ application is one of the projects carried out within the scope of the university's ‘Digital Transformation Agenda’. Rector Dalgar said, “These projects are implemented as part of a conscious strategy. MAKÜ plus (MAKÜ⁺) is one of the newest and most important steps of this strategy.”
Individualized education model
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Dalgar stated that the education system is undergoing a significant change process worldwide, saying, “A model where masses are filled into classrooms and everyone is given the same education is no longer accepted. Education models customized according to students' own talents are coming to the forefront.”
“We want to make a difference”
Rector Dalgar emphasized that they prioritize providing students with extracurricular gains in the fields of artificial intelligence and digitalization, stating, “We want to create a digital ecosystem, include students in this system, and make a difference by providing mutual interaction.”
Call to students
Speaking at the end of the meeting, Rector Dalgar stated that they expect students to actively use the MAKÜ plus application and contribute to the development process, saying, “We must all embrace this project together. We are working for you, for the future of our university and our country.”
Our students can download and use the MAKÜ Plus application from mobile app stores.
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