MAKÜ Student Fatma Derya Arıkan was elected as the President of the YÖKAK Student Commission
Yayın Tarihi | 14 February 2025, Friday
Our university's Primary Education Mathematics Teaching undergraduate student Fatma Derya Arıkan has been selected as a Board Student Member by the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK). In addition to this duty, Arıkan will also assume the role of Chair of the YÖKAK Student Commission.
Visit from Arıkan to Rector Dalgar
Fatma Derya Arıkan, who was selected as a Board Student Member by YÖKAK and assumed the role of Chair of the YÖKAK Student Commission, shared this important duty with MAKÜ Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Dalgar.
Visiting Rector Dalgar in his office, Arıkan provided information about the work she plans to carry out during her tenure. Congratulating Arıkan on her success, Rector Dalgar said, “Our university's Primary Education Mathematics Teaching undergraduate student Fatma Derya Arıkan has been selected as a Board Student Member by the decision of the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK) and subsequently appointed as the Chair of the YÖKAK Student Commission. She visited us today and shared this wonderful news with us. As the MAKÜ family, we thank our student for making us proud and wish her great success in her new role and educational life. I wholeheartedly believe that she will represent our university in the best way on national and international platforms,” he said.
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