Job Search Skills Seminar Series Successfully Completed

Yayın Tarihi | 24 May 2024, Friday

The "Job Search Skills Seminar Series", organized in collaboration with MAKU Career Development, Application and Research Center and İŞKUR, was successfully held between May 15 and May 22. The seminar was given by Job and Occupation Consultant Nihan Yıldırım and was completed with a wide participation.


Within the scope of the seminar series, meetings were held with students in various educational institutions such as Bucak Zeliha Tolunay Applied Technology and Business School, Bucak Business Faculty, Bucak Health School, Bucak Computer and Information Faculty, Bucak Emin Gülmez Technical Sciences Vocational School, Bucak Hikmet Tolunay Vocational School, Istiklal Campus, Gölhisar Applied Sciences School, Gölhisar Health Services Vocational School and Gölhisar School.


At the seminar, students were informed about many topics that play an important role in their job search processes. Critical topics such as Effective Resume Preparation, Job Search Channels, Employer Expectations, Body Language and Communication, Interview Techniques were discussed. Participants gained valuable information to better express themselves during the job search process and to meet the expectations of employers.


Nihan Yıldırım's effective presentations and interactive training methods increased the students' interest in the subject and also raised their awareness towards working life. At the end of the seminar series, the participants stated that they became more equipped in terms of improving their job search skills.


Such events organized jointly by MAKU Career Development, Application and Research Center and İŞKUR are aimed to be an important guide in the career journeys of students.


The seminars were followed with great interest by the students. The seminar series ended with the presentation of a plaque to Job and Occupation Consultant Nihan YILDIRIM by the Director of Career Development Application and Research Center, Lect. Gökhan TURAN.