About the Final Registration and Quotas of the 2024 Faculty of Health Sciences Summer School

Yayın Tarihi | 16 July 2024, Tuesday

Dear Students,


As in previous years, our university has made efforts and sacrifices to provide summer school opportunities for our students, especially those in the graduation phase, from all over Turkey. However, unlike previous years, this year, due to the placement of many more students than expected in our province's hospitals within the scope of the National Internship Program, the hospital management informed our Rectorate that a maximum of 40 students could be accepted for the practical courses planned to be opened by our Faculty of Health Sciences within the scope of the Summer School just before the end of the Summer School Pre-Application period. Therefore, in accordance with the relevant decision taken by our State Hospital, it has been decided not to open a summer school for the said practical courses and the relevant decision has been announced. 


However, due to the intense demands from our students, negotiations were held again with the Burdur Provincial Health Directorate and Burdur State Hospital to provide more quota for our students, starting with our university students and senior students who applied. All our stakeholders, especially our university and our relevant department academics, have pushed their limits to maintain the quality of education. Although it is not financially sustainable, it has been decided to open with a quota of 50 people for each of the 5 courses of our Faculty of Health Sciences, which are heavily demanded by our students, as stated below.


  1. Internal Diseases Nursing (Burdur Center)
  2. Surgical Diseases Nursing (Burdur Center)
  3. Child Health and Diseases Nursing (Burdur Center)
  4. Public Health Nursing (Burdur Center)
  5. Obstetrics Women's Health and Diseases Nursing (Bucak Center)


Final registration will be made according to the priority order specified below among the students who pre-applied for the 50-person quota determined for each course:


  1. Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University students who have pre-applied,
  2. 4th grade students of other universities who have pre-applied (if there are more than 4th grade students from the quota, the application order will be taken into account),
  3. 3rd grade students of other universities who have pre-applied (if there are more than 3rd grade students from the quota, the application order will be taken into account),
  4. 2nd grade students of other universities who have pre-applied (if there are more than 2nd grade students from the quota, the application order will be taken into account),
  5. 1st grade students of other universities who have pre-applied (if there are more than 1st grade students from the quota, the application order will be taken into account).


The list of our students who have the right to final registration will be announced on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, and the course programs will be announced as soon as possible. Considering the situation of our students who are in the graduation phase and taking the KPSS exam, all conditions have been pushed to open the courses mentioned above. It is not possible to open a new course or increase the quota in the opened courses. The pre-application fees of our students who could not earn the right to final registration for the opened courses or who waived their right to final registration at their own request will be refunded as soon as possible. 


We expect our solution-oriented efforts in the face of this situation, which arose outside the initiative of our university, to be met with understanding, and we wish our students success.



Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University